DIY table revamp anyone??
Have you ever looked around your personal space at home and work space and felt it would need a little bit of retouch or redesigning? I find myself wanting to redecorate my space because i get bored and tired of seeing the same colours everyday. I also i find it kind of fun transforming items of furniture amongst other things into finer and prettier versions of themselves. This helps me feel a lot more comfortable in my space.
This week, i decided to revamp my kitchen table which has suffered a few oil spills, scratches, black spots from pots amongst others. All i had to do was go through a few simple steps in revamping my table top all by myself and making it spanking new.
With the basic steps outlined in the video below , your table will wear a totally new look .
See my previous post here .
I hope you find this video useful, if you did , don’t forget to share and leave me a comment down below
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