Free Resources For Intentional Mums

I’ve created a variety of free resources to help mums like you live deliberately, foster genuine connections and raise wholesome children. This page is updated whenever there is a new resource and all future resources will be free.

Self Awareness Checklist for Personal Growth

Gain clarity and reconnect with yourself using this Self-Awareness Checklist—a simple tool to help you understand your habits, emotions, and triggers. Download now and take the first step toward living with more intention and purpose.

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11 books every mum must read

Get my list of 11 books every mum must read as well. These books will help you raise confident and emotionally healthy kids at any age.

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Well made mum community

Join our supportive community for intentional mums where we share our motherhood stories, learn from each other, and grow together. It takes a village to raise a child. Don't do it alone.

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Best bible devotionals for 9-12 year olds

Download my top 5 devotionals for kids aged 9-12 years old. These devotionals are the perfect tool to nurture their faith, and a step towards investing in your kids spiritual development

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